Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You can't have a fall wedding in the South.

My dad, as well as many of the males I grew up with, watches football. However, my dad, uncles, cousins and grandfather only really follow professional football. I didn't even know college sports were nationally supported until well after I graduated college. Growing up in Pennsylvania, people I knew rooted for Penn State, but I just assumed they went there, or one of their parents went there. When I knew for certain that someone was a Penn State fan but no one in their family went there, I was incredibly confused. This is not a joke. I really had no idea college football was "a thing." I thought it was just glorified high school football, and if I am being honest, I still do.

But I digress. College football is huge, especially in the South, so much so that if you are engaged and planning a wedding down here, don't even think about having it until after the the last bowl game has been played. I've heard Southerners say the following about weddings during football season:

"I decided to have my wedding in the summer before football season so my friends will actually come."

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"My brother planned his wedding on Florida State's bye week, but Florida had a huge game. My dad told me I didn't have to go. But I just hung out with the other guys at the bar who were watching the game."

"Ugh! Mary's wedding is right in the middle of the Florida-Tennessee game! I'll have to watch the first half on my phone during the reception."

Southerner #1: We can't go to Georgia-Florida this year because my friend is getting married.
Southerner #2: (flabbergasted) And you're going!?!?

and . . .

"It is so rude to get married on a Saturday in the fall!!" --every Southerner I've ever met

People down here are real serious about their college football. There is even this website where you can sign your name and state your grudge about your beloved friends and family who had the gall to get married in the fall.

Me at my cousin's wedding last September.
I'm sure a college game was happening somewhere,
but no one there cared, because we were in New Jersey.
I find this issue completely heartbreaking for a couple reasons. First, I've always wanted to get married in the fall. I've never considered another time of year. Second, I love my friends and family and assume most Southerners do too. I don't understand how any event is more important than your favorite cousin's wedding. If this is Aunt Betsy's third wedding, then OK, watch the game. But if it's your best friend who finally found the right girl, suck it up, go to the wedding, don't watch it on your phone or find a bar, just watch the highlights later. These teams play every years. Your sister doesn't get married every year (hopefully). 

I don't get it and probably never will. Bottom line is if you're getting married in the South or have a lot of Southern friends and family you have two options: 1) have a small wedding in the fall, or 2) have a big wedding any other time of the year. 

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