Friday, December 6, 2013

What snow looks like

This photo came up on my Facebook newsfeed courtesy of Pleated-Jeans and I had to share. It's so true! To me, snow is a huge hassle. To my Southern friends, it's magical. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas lights in the South

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's officially OK to decorate our homes for Christmas. This is the first Christmas that Handsome and I are sharing a home and I was so excited to decorate. My roommate the past three Christmases is a holiday decorating maven so I've been leaving it up to her, but this year it was up to me.

Downtown Bethlehem, PA during the Christmas season
My hometown is Christmas City USA so I am in love with all things Christmas. I'm not going to lie and say I love those hideous blow-up or light-up lawn ornaments-- or really any lawn ornaments-- but in general I love all (tasteful) Christmas decorations. And you have to admire the spunk of the people whose lawns are littered with light-up baby Jesuses next to Santa and his sleigh-- they are willing to throw their dignity and electricity bill out the window for the Christmas spirit. So to sum up, I think you should decorate how you choose.